Sunday, March 8, 2009

Lauren's Food for Thoughts

So I really never learned how to cook while growing up,(it's ok mom) we were an out to eat kinda family with always going to pageants and all but when it was time for me to be in the kitchen after getting married and having a couple of kids I needed to become serious...I spent pretty much my last half of my pregnancy with Dalen and my whole pregnancy with Deveon lying on the couch and catching my afternoon shows which consisited of "The Young and the Restless" then Rachael Ray's "30 Minute Meals" then a funny craft show "Home Matters" then a nap! I know such a hard life...well rachael ray really taught me how to cook...I was always trying her recipes from her shows and it really got me in the kitchen trying new sauces, gravies, soups and meats...I can honestly say that now I can pull random things from the fridge and pantry and make a meal out of it pretty well...My meals are more simple then Rachael Ray's 'long list of ingredients' recipes because she also taught me that if you don't like something, leave it out or switch it for something you do like...I am hoping that this blog will help you to have some new recipes from me and at the same time that it will keep me better organized with what I am cooking for the week...Let me know if anyone wants to join this blog and we can then share more recipes...Warning: Like Rachael Ray I am a more creative person so I use that side of my brain (whichever side it is) and so I never follow rules when cooking and so I hate measuring unless I absolutely have to and even then it can get a little sorry about the smidge and dash and abouts along the way...

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